Tuesday, June 16, 2009


YES!!!!! HE IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUNE 12TH, 2009
TIME: 8:35 AM


I finally, with much anticipation, went into labor at 5:30pm right on my due date (June 11). Chase was working in Vegas and was anxiously awaiting my call. I stayed in observation for 1 hour to ensure I really was in labor before Chase could start driving home. He finally arrived in our hospital room #319 at about 8:30pm. I was dilated to a five at this point, but my water had still not broke. Dr Thompson had to finally brake my water at about 9:00pm. I was dilated to only a six at that point. As soon as he broke my water, contractions started getting REALLY hard. I decided to get an epidural (the best decision ever) when I was dilated to a 7. At 4:00am I was finally complete!!! 

We began pushing at 4:00am with the nursing staff. NO SUCCESS! We finally had to stop when Aiden's heart rate began to decelerate as I would push! (Very Scary). Dr Thompson came at about 5:30 and we began AGAIN pushing. NO SUCCESS!! It was now 7:30am. You ask why no success???  

Aiden's poor little head was turned and stuck on my ischial spine. Apparently they are very bony! Even with the doctors hands trying to turn him over, there was no room for him to budge. For 3 hours Chase and I could see the top of our babies head, with no further progress. The last hour, every push I made would decrease his heart rate (because his head was turned and his neck was getting kinked), and when I would stop pushing he would regress backwards (because my ischial spines were so prominent). 

The decision to take him C-Section was made at 7:30am. Dr. Ott assisted Dr. Thompson with the C-Section (and made an impecable flawless incision very low, near the pubis). Chase got to gown up in the OR and w
atch as our beautiful boy arrived at 8:35am. His poor head was so bruised and scratched from my spines, the Doctor
s hands, and the horrific birth canal, but he was perfect to us!! 
When he first arrived..........


Ali J said...

Oh my goodness! How scary! But I'm so glad it turned out to be just fine! He is perfect! So gorgeous, and you look great!

Anonymous said...

oh that's so scary!!!! I'm so glad that everything was ok!!!