Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Lake

Summer time is meant to be spent on the lake at all times!! i wish!! Over Labor day we had my little brother and sister down. They brought their friends and we went out to Gunlock......not the prettiest lake, but it sure beats the bacteria and crowds of Sand Hallow! We had the best time!!


~..kass..~ said...

oh how I miss a hot lake!

Kariann + JD Leavitt said...

Looks like fun!! Thats so cute you guys got Duke to go on the kneeboard hahaha i love it!

Megan Andersen said...

Wow! Hottie in the cute green swimsuite!! I want you!!! Love that Chase took Duke on the knee board--Oh I love dogs!

Just one of the Boyz said...

That looks like so much fun.. You need to take us on your boat, hopefully one time before summer is over.. I wish I had your BODY and your TAN, you look really GOOD!!! Chase is a lucky guy....

Sean & Lacey said...

Cute pictures Nisha, they make me want to go to the lake so bad! Looks like you guys are doing good! Our blog is private but email me so I can put you on our list.